Si Wire Ring Resonator Design
Using APSS Device Module
Ring resonator which is key device component construct PICs.
Here, microstructure ring resonator having 5 um radius is described.
Waveguide Design
TE mode analysis for Waveguide which is used for ring resonator (Device).
Since "Scan" option is used for Wg in Device Module, Wg must
be scanned
for Wg in Waveguide Module.
Ring Resonator Design
Calculation has been carried out between wavelenght of 1.5 and 1.6 um
(Wg=200`600nm) using "Scan" option. In the present demonstration,
we will show the performance sensitivities caused by fabrication accuracy.
Therefore, Wg values are changed under the condition of Wg+Gap=700nm.
Ring resonator structure used in the present calculation
Simulation Results
S-parameter analysis is executed scaning the wavelength between 1.5 and 1.6 um.
Obtained S-parameter results
iField distribution and response at the above three arrow points are shown
in the below.)
Results for Wg=200nm and Gap=500nm
Results for Wg=250nm and Gap=450nm
Results for Wg=500nm and Gap=200nm
It can bee seen from S-parameter results that confinement is descreased
with descease the waveguide width of Wg. In the present calculation, cupling
the ring is enhanced even the Gap increases. On the otherhand, the selection
the wavelength is reduced under too large Wg values.
Reference for the device structures
T. Tsuchizawa et al."Microphotonics devices based on silicon microfabrication
technology," IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electron., vol. 11,
pp.232-240, Jan./Feb. 2005.